Blog Archives

Steel and Slate

~ Chilling with Family for the 4th

We are loving these OwyheeStar Weims, that we got from you folks.   All the extended family is here. Everyone can’t believe how well behaved and good mannered they are.  ~ Dave (Nampa, Idaho)

Breeder Comment

It makes us super happy to know you are doing so well with the two Blue Boys. Stay well, and please think of us with any story you might have that we can share on the blog.


~Making her way into our heart and home

Shadow makes room for Skye

Skye is doing great.  Shadow and Skye bonded immediately.   It is amazing how much easier a puppy is when they have another dog to learn from and be a companion.   Robert loves her.  They (Shadow and Skye) started to sleep together the first night by their choice.  Fun to see.  

She will see the vet on Wednesday.  I go to the Dog and Cat Wellness Center in Weiser.  

Breeder Comment

We are thrilled to hear that Robert was delighted–even more thrilled to hear that Shadow and Skye were quick to bond. This doesn’t always happen–it is extraordinary. I assure you that several who read our blog are envious.

Legit Questions Here

~ Weimars everywhere want to know

Should we say–“Caption This!?!”

Just imagine what might be going through their mind…

  1. Where do they think they’re going?
  2. Do you think they forgot us?
  3. How much time do we have?
  4. Do you think he is coming back?
  5. Do you think we can open the refrig or pantry? Maybe both–

Are these two conspirators? That is a good question–together they are either better behaved or more creative with their antics.


~ Makes Two

Mylo is growing as time is flying by.  It’s hard to believe he’s been with us for 2 months already.  He’s such a smart, loveable boy!  As you can see, he loves his big brother Koda and also his humans!  I hope you are both doing well and wanted to thank you again for sharing these adorable boys with our family.  

Thanks, Chris

Breeder Comment

It is excellent to hear that Mylo is much-loved and doing well. Thanks for these adorable photos of your two OwyheeStars.


More than a bath

Dremeling our Nails

Breeder Comment

Thank you, for always thinking of us Cal. We appreciate the extra effort you put into these updates. We are tickled pink your two boys are well-adjusted, happy, and thriving.

Two Blue Boys

~ First there was Koda–now Mylo

We love him so much!

Mylo is everything we hoped for.  He is super lovable and smart.  While he may not exactly love his kennel during the day, he’s great at night. He sleeps until I wake him up to go out and goes back to sleep with little to no fuss!  

Thank you both for adding this adorable little guy to our family!!!

Breeder Comment

Five of the ten Dixie pups went to either a direct referral–or more typically a repeat client. Yes, two of these loyal OwyheeStar folks flew into Boise to carry their pup home as their carryon–one to Salt Lake City and the other to New Hampshire.

While we are very cautious about the longer distances, some folks work out to be excellent placements. First, the right kind of Weimaraner placement is more important than location. We do what we can–we also meet the most interesting folks along the way. Thanks to Koda and Mylo’s family who live right here in the Treasure Valley. We appreciate you!

Taun and Bacchus

Greetings from the Northeast

My Human01We are in the gradual process of making a move from 2 acres in a fairly busy “rural”  area to 54 acres on a dirt road in a very rural area surrounded by woods with our nearest neighbor a half mile or so away.  The Boys are loving the move.  When we arrive at the really rural home, we open the car doors and out they hop, not to be leashed again until we leave. Romps in the woods and hikes on a myriad of class 6 roads with a very responsive recall to our side whenever we request.taun

in the woods01Taun has played a (sometimes unwilling) role in mentoring Bacchus with the recall.
This morning was another chapter in young Bacchus’ life-long course of learning:    He was taken out at 0500 this AM only to dash off toward the garden oblivious to the recall.  Two aggressive barks and then silence.   He returned shortly, foaming at the mouth like a long rabid dog.  The scent in the air reached us at the same time as the pup did … crap !! he got hit by a skunk and it appears that he was making a grab for it when it must have spun and sprayed him in the mouth.   Oh my word … the smell is too much to describe.  Best I could, it would be like dumping a 5 gallon bucket of mushy rotten onions on to your living room floor.  Clean it up you might but that smell isn’t fading soon.
Off to the deep sink but there was really nothing to wash off … it was all in his mouth.
Ah well; that is what we sign up for.
Taun has been a bit slow to accept Bacchus as a sibling but now makes a fuss when he is absent and they have become a reluctant pair.  We prepare for another northeast winter (snow today); the dogs eagerly watching the making of any fire in the fireplace or getting the cookstove fired up.
Bacchus is now 6+ months old.  He is brave and very protective of Laura and Grace if they are out alone with him.   His mouthiness has been gradually improving although he has been markedly less mouthy since the skunk encounter this morning …  He is always willing to get involved and lend a helping “hand.”i can help01
These guys are stereotypical Weims in every way and we couldn’t be happier.  They make it abundantly clear that they are sad when we leave and they welcome each of us home every day as though we were gone for a year.
No (really) destructive behavior ever (Bacchus does have a fondness for glasses and pens and Taun is an underwear and sock thief) …  and they are happy, loving members of our family … we couldn’t ask for more … except maybe another one.

my sock01We wish you guys the very best and we keep you in our hearts.
Jon, Laura, and Grace in New Hampshire

Breeder Comment

We have been most fortunate to meet you folks–to share something special. Thank you, for thinking of us. We truly appreciate it!

Running Circles


    ~at Three Months

Meeder's Cooper_1733Both boys (Luke (wearing the sunglasses, and Cooper) just love the pool. Cooper at 3 months is running circles around Luke who is now six years old.

They are getting along swimmingly,

Cooper likes to jump on Lukes back from the side, they are so hilarious.
Thanks again for all the love and kindness you and Cliff put to rearing these guys – they are both so trusting which makes it so much more pleasurable to train them.
~Thanks — Cal


Meeder's Luke not thrilled_1306

Not So Long Ago

PS: And the exercise in the pool is so much easier on their paw pads than the desert floor. Cooper is up to 3 cups of food a day and still not packin’ any belly fat – looks like we have a big boy on the way …

Breeder Comment

Thank you, Cal, for the update. We love seeing Cooper (Bernie X Boone 2018) taking to the water. You are correct about the pool being a lot easier on the paw pads; however, it is ideal for joints and overall health. We encourage everyone to work on getting the water-retrieve–the benefits are multifaceted. The young Weimaraner needs to limit the pounding of the pavement–until the growth plates close. What’s a person to do with all that excess energy–well, swimming is the ideal solution.

It is so great to see Luke having adjusted to Cooper’s arrival. At first, the interloper was not to his liking; however, now he has a brother/friend–a special companion.


With Luke

~ Makes us a Two-Weim Family, Again!

Meeder's Two_1518

The boys are doing very well.
Cooper is sleeping through the night in his kennel and has only had 3 pee learning experiences in the house in 10 days.

I think we are on our way, thanks to your great pre-training. They get along pretty well. Now for the 8-hour drive to the desert on vacation, figure it will be best to stop along outbid the way stops for potty breaks as the rest stops and main exits see 1000’s of visiting dogs which could pose a problem until the pups received his final Parvo shot.
I’ll keep you posted – thanks again.

~Cal — (17+ Years and we are Still Talking about the Weims)

Breeder Comment

Thanks for being such a loyal client. It looks good to see Luke tolerating the new upstart. It sounds like things are going well. Enjoy the vacation–it should be an excellent time of bonding.

Our Two Blues

Dawn Says

~ They couldn’t be more different

Kula won’t let me work at the computer at night. She wants to sit in my lap or tells me it’s time for bed, let’s snuggle. She is glued to me. I love her so.


29664697_10214352302914947_5041786667624246051_oKailua is opposite. She isn’t affectionate but has a great personality. We call her Miss Independent. Thank you for our babies. Can’t imagine life without them.

Breeder Comment

Thank you, for always keeping us apprised of the Weims. It means a lot. We will never forget the first one you folks got from us. He was the Gray Ghost color rather than the Blue but loved just as much.

Weims are rarely the independent type. More often than not they are the ultra velcro personality. Both can have their advantages.