Category Archives: Weekly Newsreel

Greetings From Far Eastern Oregon

~ Locally

The oppressive heat is here and in most of the Pacific Northwest. It is unseasonably hot–even for the Treasure Valley, which is no stranger to triple-digit temperatures in July and August.


Things continue to keep us engaged with our work–inquiries, applications, and raising pups are all a part of our everyday life. Juniper’s puppies are growing and preparing for the Discovery and Placement process. Of course, those folks waiting to see which pup is theirs are anxious for us to complete the process. It cannot, however, be rushed.

Wilma is preparing to leave sometime in July–but her Mama fell and is having surgery. We will see how this affects the exit date. She is taking over her–following Stackhouse’s example. In some cases, we would prefer she not do so. She is snatching trash which she can, checking counters, and watching the front for interlopers. For a long time, she loved parking under my desk–now the house is hers.

Recently On the Blog…

We no longer post a daily blog–instead, we present things (randomly) as the material is available. Thank you!

For Your Review

Sunday— June 20 — Sunday Photos

Monday–- June 21 — Some Days I Hide

Tuesday – June 22 —No Blog

Wednesday — June 23— No Blog

Thursday –- June 24 — No Blog

Friday — June 25 — Maverick

On a very personal note

Cliff is still working on our bath–a little here and there. Christina is painting the bathroom cabinet, and the good news is that she got the drawers and doors finished. They need Varathane. The color is a vintage green–I like it a lot.

I met with the Oncologist, who says the treatment is working. We plan another contrast CT scan for September, and between now and then, we will be looking at the bloodwork for indications of how things are going. I have another Thoracentesis scheduled for next Friday. I am not sure if I can win this battle or end up with a catheter. Nonetheless, I tell people I am a walking miracle.

Cliff is trying to keep up with the Weims and the farm—including the weeds and watering. Both are challenging.

The garden is surviving the heat–but it is a challenge, and higher temperatures loom large on the horizon. I should be covering the tomatoes to encourage blossom set–I am not.

Greetings From Far Eastern Oregon

~ Locally

Crops are growing before our eyes. The corn looks spectacular this year — the dark green color is quite lovely.

The near 100 degree temperatures continue to plague us–summer heat for June is record-setting news. I am expecting a big storm soon.


The last couple of weeks have been intense–with Winnie’s litter exit. People ask if it is difficult to let the pups go, but parThe last couple of weeks have been intense–with Winnie’s litter exit. People ask if it is difficult to let the pups go, but part of our method is to prepare them to bond with their families. Even though we set the puppies up to leave, it always amazes us to see how quickly they take to their new families.

Wilma is preparing to leave sometime in July–she has found a Golden Year Placement. She loves to nestle on the dog bed located under my desk. She is an easy keeper as Weims go.

Recently On the Blog…

We no longer post a daily blog–instead, we present things (randomly) as the material is available. Thank you! We had an extreme week here –I am working on a personal blog. I am not sure when I can get it finished.

For Your Review

Sunday— June 13 — No Blog

Monday–- June 14 — No Blog

Tuesday – June 15 —No Blog

Wednesday — June 16— No Blog

Thursday –- June 17 — No Blog

Friday — June 18 — No Blog

On a very personal note

Cliff is still working on our bath–I am hoping for serious progress, but he didn’t get much done last week with us on the road.

Bradley’s last game was Friday night at Nyssa–he seemed inspired with more than twenty points, blocks, rebounds, and assists. We couldn’t keep count of all he did. They didn’t win a single game which is disheartening, but it is what it is, and when it happens, you have to make the best of a bad situation.

I have another Thoracentesis scheduled for early July. I am not sure if I can win this battle or end up with a catheter. Nonetheless, I tell people I am a walking miracle. Some days are better than others, but no one would guess that I have Stage IV Cancer by looking at me.

The garden is finally catching up–flowers are blooming, and veggies are thriving. There are several small zucchini I want to get picked.

Greetings From Far Eastern Oregon

~ Locally

The first cutting of hay is happening all around us–they will be here next week to cut ours. We don’t expect our tonnage to be anywhere close to the average amount. Cliff is considering pulling the large field this fall– planting winter wheat.

Farther east (across the railroad tracks), the field was lying neatly in beautiful rows until the evening wind picked it up, throwing it south. The view at times was spectacular–a big circular showing looking to be several feet high. I am sure nothing is hurt, but the neatness is gone. (haha)


With two litters on the ground, we have a lot of hands-on activity. The best was we had three little socializers who helped up on Thursday. I didn’t capture it, but Jackson (who is one year old) was kissing the puppies–there were lots of excited noises. The last time the girls were here, they were so disappointed that we didn’t have any puppies.

We introduced Wilma to the girls–at first, she was reluctant but well-behaved. Then she kept going back to them. It was so cute.

Recently On the Blog…

We no longer post a daily blog–instead, we present things (randomly) as the material is available. Thank you! For those wondering, the easiest thing for me to repost is a paragraph with a photo or two. Often the most popular posts are those that share a funny topic–but of course, everyone loves hearing about your Weimaraner. They like to compare it to theirs–for example, these stories that featured Caleb and Thor were both lovely. Young Willow is an excellent example of a Weim’s activity with a funny little story.

For Your Review

Sunday— May 16 — Sunday Photos

Monday–- May 17 — Willow’s Routine

Tuesday – May 18 — Puppy Photos

Wednesday — May 19— Beatrice

Thursday –- May 20 — No Blog

Friday — May 21 — No Blog

On a very personal note

Cliff got the old raised bed moved and the blueberry plants set. We may purchase one more–we have wooden shakes to get up on that side of the greenhouse. It wouldn’t take too long and possibly Christina and I could staple them in place.

Here is a video clip of Bradley making a score–even though Ontario’s team is not very good–Brad is playing well. We are so proud of him for sticking with it despite all the challenges of playing wearing masks. Not winning games–and sometimes getting blown out. In Friday’s game against LaGrande, Brad had at least 20 points, several blocks, and many rebounds.

Of course, I had another Thoracentesis–the right lung drained. It went so much better than the last two times. The Radiology team, lead by PC Cory, made additional adjustments which proved beneficial. I am ever so thankful. I had an emergency dental visit–and I am also grateful to Payette Valley Family for working me in on Friday. They (and Dr. Reece) were a lifesaver.

Greetings From Far Eastern Oregon

~ Malheur County

The Treasure Valley weather is much cooler–only a few days ago, it was pressing the 90-degree highs, but today we won’t reach 70. Thankfully, our hay guy (Chris Payne) decided to hold off the first hay cutting because of the trending weather pattern. That gives our alfalfa a chance to rebound a little after the parched season beginning due to our irrigation pump failure.


Winnie and her babies continue to do well. The litter wellness is scheduled for the coming week. The pups have taken to the kibble–they are still nursing on Mama, too. There is a lot of hands-on time with the puppies. Isn’t this photo adorable–the two pups hugging.

Recently On the Blog…

We no longer post a daily blog–instead, we present things (randomly) as the material is available. Thank you! For those wondering, the easiest thing for me to repost is a paragraph with a photo or two. Often the most popular posts are those that share a funny topic–but of course, everyone loves hearing about your Weimaraner. They like to compare it to theirs–for example, these stories that featured Caleb and Thor were both lovely. Young Willow is an excellent example of a Weim’s activity with a funny little story.

For Your Review

Sunday— May 16 — Sunday Photos

Monday–- May 17 — Caleb

Tuesday – May 18 — Remembering Storm

Wednesday — May 19— Young Willow

Thursday –- May 20 — Thor

Friday — May 21 — No Blog

On a very personal note

Cliff is working on getting the alfalfa irrigated after the irrigation pump quit us this spring–it takes about ten days to get across the fields once typically. He has been working in the owner’s bath–preparing to install the medicine cabinet. He ordered our toilet–the one we had wanted was on sale–so he got it coming.

Yesterday, we watched Bradley’s first basketball game of the season–in case you didn’t read about it on the morning ditty. He played well, they lost the game to Vale–which was not unexpected, but Brad had double-digit scores, and probably similar rebounds, etc. We couldn’t hear anything–and we were not allowed to attend the game, so we watched it streamed to our television.

I have scheduled a flight to Colorado for September to meet my sister (Mindi) and hopefully visit my cousins–Bob, Mary, and Linda. Cliff and I still hope to make a trip later in the fall to visit my other sister (Patti) and her husband, Bill. Cliff has always dreamed of visiting the Grand Canyon. Of course, both will be quick trips.

I continue to struggle with fluid on the right lung–I hope the medication change (Verenio dosage increase) will help solve that issue. I have started the new protocol. So far, I am still tolerating it. The last thing I want is a permanent catheter. But there are worse things, too. I am scheduled for yet another thoracentesis next Friday.

Finally, our garden is hugely behind, but we are making progress as time and energy allow. I am envious of everyone who has a plethora of flowers on which to feast their eyes.

Greetings From Far Eastern Oregon

~ Malheur County

We saw some alfalfa had been cut already, and like our field, they had not watered it. We don’t quite know what is up with this particular field, but it is slated to become an RV park–or at least part of it is. We see them throughout the Treasure Valley, with more people living in their RV year-round for various reasons. Out pump is slated to be installed on Monday, and then Cliff will have more work to get water on everything.


Winnie continues doing well–she is getting skinny, as we might expect. We will be offering kibble to the pups in the next couple of days to help the situation. The puppies are looking fantastic. They have spent time outside and hope to increase that and add the kibble to their diet.

The Longhairs and the smooth coats are easily distinguishable now.

Recently On the Blog…

Our faithful readers realize I have been struggling to keep the blog going–fresh easy to post material can be challenging to come by 365 days a year. I had mentioned we would post (randomly) as the material is available. Thank you!

For Your Review

Sunday— May 9 — Sunday Photos

Monday–- May 10 — Earl Gray and Archer

Tuesday – May 11 — Frank, Bo, and Lola

Wednesday — May 5— No Blog

Thursday –- May 13 — No Blog

Friday — May 14 — No Blog

On a very personal note

Cliff has stopped working on the bathroom remodel–other things have required his time and attention. I am hoping he can get back there this summer. He and Trudee are preparing for the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA) Hunt Test tomorrow. It is anyone’s guess what will happen.

Christina and I have been working in the greenhouse and garden. We are behind the curve, as I keep saying. We do what time and energy allow with puppies. We made significant progress this week–zucchini, green beans, pumpkins, rhubarb, peppermint, spearmint, and cilantro are planted. Earlier, we planted a few flowers. We have tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, various herbs, and cantaloupe waiting for their turn. I also have two blueberry bushes and rosemary waiting for Cliff to have time to move a couple of the raised beds. We hope to create a strawberry bed, too.

Our longtime friend Roger sold us some of his excellent beef–he came to bring us the hamburger yesterday. I have it all put away. We bought a half beef from him as well, and we pick that up on Monday. I have the freezer cleared out, and I hope there is enough room. I am going to need a few items from the grocery–soon, maybe today. Other than that, we are hunkering down and working on the garden, etc. There is nothing to photograph yet. (I hope soon.)

We both had doctor’s appointments on Wednesday–me with the Oncologist and Cliff with Dr. Smith (our primary care physician). Many of you know the tumor marker count is dropping significantly–which is good news. The Verzenio dosage has been increased because I am tolerating it well. Another contrast CT scan is scheduled in three weeks –that will give us a more definitive answer as to how things look. Cliff’s visit went well, his blood work was not yet posted from that visit.

Greetings From Far Eastern Oregon

~ Malheur County

There is a strong breeze–about 10 MPH, and the wind has been a factor recently. Most of us are weary of it by now. The other thing we are tired of is being on Lockdown–Malheur County moved to more restrictions again. I have heard that we are the least compliant with vaccination and the rise in confirmed COVID cases.


Winnie is doing well–she is such an excellent Mama. Of course, our focus is puppy socialization. Here is the number one little longhair girl enjoying her turn.

Recently On the Blog…

Our faithful readers realize I have been struggling to keep the blog going–fresh easy to post material can be challenging to come by 365 days a year. I had mentioned we would post (randomly) as the material is available. I received enough material of the right kind to post every day this week. Thank you!

For Your Review

Sunday— May 2 — Sunday Photos

Monday–- May 3 — Maizie

Tuesday – May 4 — Willow TDI Dog

Wednesday — May 5— Mesquite

Thursday –- May 6 — Winnie’s Babies

Friday — May 7 — Ghost

On a very personal note

Cliff continues working on the bathroom –some of you probably wonder if we will ever get this project done. We often wonder the same thing–and sometimes it seems to go on forever as Cliff does what he can each day. Our green accent is possibly a bit brighter than expected, but Christina and I like it–Cliff is easy to please with color. (Haha)

You may have heard that my blood work results were good across the board, and the tumor marker count has taken another significant drop. We sincerely hope the trend continues. Dr. Morgan wants to increase the Vernenio dosage to help the cause. I am tolerating it well, so that is our next step.

Cliff’s blood work was even better than mine, and they believe for now they have his situation managed. Of course, we finished the week with a visit from Ashley and the three great-grand babies. What a joy it was to spend time together.

Greetings From Far Eastern Oregon

~ Irrigation Pump Woes

Most people rely on ditch watch for irrigation, but Cliff pumps water. Like everything on this farm, our irrigation pumps were old–and we knew they needed work, but we kept hoping they will just work. We were fortunate that it quit working–the pipe was precarious close to breaking off. The pump might have ended up at the bottom of the well.


Winnie is a little thin–we feed her an enhanced diet. She is doing so well with the dozen pups. You probably know we got our DNA results back–7 of the 12 pups are Longhairs. There are new photos, and the Longhairs denotation has been made –follow along to watch the changes occur.

Recently On the Blog…

Our faithful readers realize I have been struggling to keep the blog going–fresh easy to post material can be challenging to come by 365 days a year. I had mentioned we would post (randomly) as the material is available. I also said I would create a form (and I did)–which I am not sure how well it will work. It has been an exceedingly busy week, and I have not had time to work on the plan. But I received enough material of the right kind to post every day this week. Thank you!

For Your Review

Sunday— April 18 — Sunday Photos

Monday–- April 26 — Enzo

Tuesday – April 27 — Auggie

Wednesday — April 28 — Our Blog

Thursday –- April 29 — No Blog

Friday — April 30 — Willow

On a very personal note

Cliff continues working on the bathroom remodel. It is in bits and pieces, so everything takes longer. I am delighted with it–we can’t wait until we get it completed.

I made it in for the Thoracentesis (where they drain the fluid off on a lung). I learned last time that makeup was not my friend for this procedure. I have mascara all over my face and stuck to my glasses. (OMG) This time I was smart and went in without it.

I am hoping to rebound quickly. The garden calls–we picked up strawberries, apple trees, and a few other things. Today, we return to Malheur Nursery to get a couple of blueberries.

Cliff’s treatment is going excellent. We appreciate Dr. Morgan–his approach is working for both of us.

Greetings From Far Eastern Oregon

~ Trains and Whatnot (our poor wheel lines)

Cliff was out working on the wheel line situation when this train came by, and he captured it so I could see it too. We see all kinds of things–some of them more interesting than others.


There are several pages on our Longhair Website

Most of you realize that Winnie’s pups arrived last Monday. She has twelve babies. The DNA samples arrived at the Lab yesterday afternoon. The Lab is closed for the weekend, and our samples will get processed in rotation, so hopefully, by Wednesday, we will know how many Longhairs we have.

Winnie and her babies are doing well. You might want to check out the Day One Photos.

Recently On the Blog…

Winchester AKA Chester has a cool treat

Our faithful readers realize I have been struggling to keep the blog going–fresh easy to post material can be challenging to come by 365 days a year. I had mentioned we would post (randomly) as the material is available. I also said I would create a form (and I did)–which I am not sure how well it will work. It has been an exceedingly busy week, and I have not had time to work on the plan. But I received enough material of the right kind to post every day this week. Thank you!

For Your Review

Sunday— April 18 — Sunday Photos

Monday–- April 19 — Meet Winnie

Tuesday – April 20 — Winnie Delivers

Wednesday — April 21 — Chester

Thursday –- April 22 — From Frank’s Family

Friday — April 23 — Colby

On a very personal note

Overall, things are going reasonably well–well, Cliff’s irrigation pump went down. That was after his wheel lines took a massive hit during the recent wind storm. We are hoping someone will be able to come and pull the pump soon. He has contacted three places –no one has said when they can get us on the agenda.

Cliff picked up the tile for the master bath–it was the first time we had a piece to see how it was going to look. We are thrilled with it. Now, there is the installing process which will happen as possible. We cannot wait. Christina and I have been working in the greenhouse. We are behind the curve again this year, but I know it will be just fine. The garden will get planted and produce more than we can use. As you can see, we make use of whatever we have available to repot our plants.

We are attempting to trim our expenses — medical this and that adds up to more than we want to think about paying. So, we decided to switch phone carriers to save a bit of coin. We hope this works for us–we believe it will.

I have paperwork to complete to see if I can get a lower rate or possibly another prescription for free. Yes, we have the bits and pieces from all the procedures and the ongoing prescription expense. So, we are doing what we can to lower cash going out.

I am working on the household organization (like always) and eliminating things we don’t need. (OMG) It is shocking how much we can accumulate or inherit. I often wonder if we will ever finish this project–I think not.

Greetings From Far Eastern Oregon

~ Spring Weather a Reality

Our hay fields are starting to grow and look a lovely green color. We continue to watch the trains go by, and whatever birds or critters cross our property. Turkeys have been the thing recently.

ADRIAN — They may have been small, but the animal or animals which undermined the bank of Old Owyhee Ditch near Owyhee Junction with their burrowing caused major damage which has left several farmers without irrigation water.

Andy Peutz, a ditch company director, said the canal fracture reported to Monty Culbertson, ditch superintendent, about 3 a.m. Tuesday, was caused by gophers or muskrats. He said the break left a gap in the bank about 50 feet wide and 50 to 60 feet deep, taking out the bottom of the canal.


We are hoping for a litter of pups to be born any moment. Like everyone, we hold our breath until they arrive. We believe other litters to be on the way, but they will come late spring or early summer. Winnie is doing excellent and we cannot wait to see her babies arrive.

Recently On the Blog…

The blog has thousands of posts over a decade-plus. I cannot remember the exact date we started publishing the blog. A convergence of recent events has caused us to rethink publishing a daily blog. We received a warning that our business would suffer if we stopped the daily posts–and maybe it is true. Nonetheless, we are not sure what is possible at this point. My (Shela’s cancer) returned, and I am on some serious medication that causes extreme exhaustion. I believe I will be able to manage the cancer, but it will require adjusting the work schedule. No one knows the number of hours this requires behind the scenes.

Christina suggested that I create a blog submission format so I could control what we receive. It is the truth that sometimes, the more complicated blogs can burn up a couple of hours. I am sure it is all very straightforward to the person who sent it, but it is sometimes challenging for me. I think Christina has a point. If I create a blog submission format (criteria) and people use it, it would make the posts easier. Sometimes I receive links to a folder of photos that I enjoy immensely, but I am unsure what photos I am to use. Sometimes there is nothing written to go along with–or a brief sentence explaining. I am not always sure how to use the information. I sometimes get something with no photo, and I write the person back asking for a photo.

Add this to what happened last year where I got more than a thousand inquiries requiring at least 10-15 minutes to answer, and sometimes the initial contact required half an hour or more, and it becomes overwhelming. Time is the one thing we cannot make–and we need to use it wisely. I love posting the blog and sharing the information about our OwyheeStar offspring. Let’s see how this shakes out, but I am working on finding a workable solution. Blogs will appear randomly. I welcome submissions but keep in mind a couple of photos and a paragraph make it easier for me. And email (or, if necessary, texting is okay). I might lose a text, though–that worries me. I work hard to make sure I don’t. Facebook messaging me an update is best avoided. I have some clients who insist on this approach. I hope we can create a submission form that people are willing to use. I will look into that ASAP. My preference is to have a simple way to keep the daily blog going–but I have to cut back on time invested. Photo links are easy for you, and not so much for me–for various reasons.

For Your Review

Sunday— April 11 — Sunday Photos

Monday–- April 12 — Duke

Tuesday – April 13 — Tikka and Luna 

Wednesday — April 14 — Kihei

Thursday –- April 15 — The Blog

Friday — April 16 — no blog today

On a very personal note

I returned home on April 8th from our trip west to meet some of my newly discovered biological family. I didn’t meet everyone I hoped to meet, but we had an excellent visit with eight relatives. I loved the small gatherings where I got to interact and know people. The experience was surreal, life-changing, and the trip exhausting. Our second oldest granddaughter (Christina) made the journey with me. Without her going, it would have been impossible.

Cliff managed the home and the Weimaraners by himself while we were gone. He also finished the master bath ceiling and a few other minor things in that room. He is still working on it–when you have to do it in bits and pieces, it takes longer. He has purchased the trim boards and a pocket door for between the bath and our bedroom. We await the tile’s arrival.

The master bath is not all that Cliff has been working on–the wheel lines didn’t fare well in the recent windstorm. He has had to put them back together–well, they were like a pretzel. That was not a good thing. Somehow, he got the worst of it fixed yesterday, and now he says the second one should be easier. Let’s hope.

For me, it has been a week of catching up and trying to recuperate. I am reveling in the experience. I feel much loved by the biological family. I also feel appreciated and loved by you (our Weimaraner clients). I have received many gifts, including the handwoven scarf that Sharyl made for me, a copper Weimaraner weathervane, and a cozy Weimaraner blanket–that I love snuggling under for an afternoon nap. I am enveloped in positive vibes–thank you.

Greetings From Far Eastern Oregon

~ Feeling Like Spring

Our neighbor at the end of the road is installing a center pivot. That means a lot of extra traffic on our dead-end lane. Some crops are emerging that were planted last fall, and our alfalfa is coming on, too. There are a couple of fields not worked up (still sporting last year’s cornstalks), and we are guessing they must be going to plant beans. They or potatoes go in a bit later.


We are still awaiting pups –but it is looking promising. Winnie was mated to Manfred, and we expect a mixed litter–with some Longhairs.

This mating is a repeat, and we are looking forward to the pup’s arrival as much as Waitlist. Of course, she will not produce a puppy for everyone. And yes–we have also mated Juniper.

Here is a photo of the lovely Winnie–we will be creating a Web Page soon–and I am preparing everything before I leave on my upcoming trip so things will be ready when I get back.

This Week On the Blog…

I am always looking for new information to share regarding the OwyheeStar offspring.

If you have a story that you will let me share–I need at least three sentences and a decent photo. I prefer to receive it via email. (FYI–we only use stories that feature the OwyheeStar Weimaraner). 

We are always in need of OwyheeStar stories to share. 

It helps when I get an email even if you send photos via another mode. I know you enjoy reading about other OwyheeStar pups–especially those related to yours.

For Your Review

Sunday— Mar. 21 — Sunday Photos

Monday–- Mar. 22 — Nixon

Tuesday – Mar. 23 — Kenai

Wednesday — Mar. 24 — Chester Reports

Thursday –- Mar. 25 — Weims

Friday — Mar. 26 — Sky (Part One)

On a very personal note

Cliff is working on the master bath. We agreed on a light-colored tile for the wall and walk-in shower. The bathroom is more than adequate for us, but certainly not spacious. We thought the lighter wall color would be the right choice. Cliff found some pine, which we hope to put on the ceiling and the upper wall, but he couldn’t get the old truck to run yesterday. We hope to get into town and pick it up soon–before it is gone. We ordered the tile as it was out of stock.

Christina and I have been working in the greenhouse. Next week we should have some decent photos. There is quite a bit to be done before we leave for Western Oregon on Easter Sunday. Yes, we are traveling to meet some of the biological relatives. It has taken quite a lot of work (and a healthy dose of good fortune) to make this trip come together. Our focus is preparing for the trip–we have quite a few things that have to be done. That includes doctor’s visits, bloodwork, and such.

You probably read that I started the chemo pill this week. So far, I am more than tolerating it and not having any undesirable side effects. I am hoping this good fortune continues.