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Agility Title

~ Willow 2017

I read that you need blog articles.  This photo was from two years ago this weekend, however I wanted to send it again as it was one of my proudest moments of Willow.  

We worked SO hard to prepare for this Agility title- daily training with the equipment, lots of variables, and much off-leash distraction proofing (her temperament and biddability are exquisite!)And, on top of all that, Willow strained her shoulder (not her fault- she slipped on the dirt in the practice arena as the jumps were placed too close together), so we needed time to heal and recuperate to get her 100% healthy and ready.  On this show weekend, not only did she qualify in all three trials, she attained PERFECT scores on each run and attained her UKC Agility I title!  I was, and am, SO proud of her!!! 


Breeder Comment

It was never our intent to become that breeder who produces Show Weims–but this is not the only OwyheeStar success story. Of course, some of the others earned International Show titles because they sported a blue coat–and the Weimaraner Club of America doesn’t allow the blues to compete in Show–they can compete in every other discipline–such as Agility.

Jan has participated with both AKC and WCA (the American Kennel Club –Weimaraner Club of America), but she prefers the United Kennel Club (UKC) experience. Not that Willow could not have done equally well in the other circle of influence, but rather because the UKC is Owner-Handler only and less political. If you are not on the inside of the competition, it might be hard to understand. We get it.

Jan and Willow have earned a lot of titles–we could not be more thrilled or appreciate their efforts anymore. It is no small thing. Consider all these accomplishments–UKC Best-In-Show and High-In-Trial Champion Sunstar Willow of OwyheeStar, AKC Canine Good Citizen, AKC Novice Trick Dog, UKC Rally Obedience I, UKC Agility I, Therapy Dog International certified. What more can we say? Jan says this moment of earning the Agility Title along with the perfect scores is one of her fondest achievements. Congratulations once again for all the two of you have done together, Jan.

Keep This in Mind

Jan Magnuson

SUNSTARAll-Breed Dog Training

You can find Jan and her Dog Training on Facebook–with more than 45 years experience with the Weimaraner we recommend you check her out. By all means if possible–plan to train with her.

Connecting Again

Jake is 10

     ~and Much Loved!


Jake_7941This is Lindsay, and we purchased our wonderful dog Jake (Pepper x Blue litter)  from you in Fall of 2008. He’s almost 10 now, and we just love him to pieces. We’re considering adding another pup to the family and of course, wanted to come back to you. Our daughters are 6 and 8 this year and they absolutely adore Jake. He’s the best dog we’ve ever had!

I’ve attached a couple of Jake’s agility pictures from last summer too. He seemed to really enjoy it.

Breeder Comment

Thank you, Lindsay. We look forward to working with you again. We hope the experience is equally rewarding. We are thrilled Jake has been such a great family member. We especially love the agility photos, but all four photos are excellent.

What Could Be Better?

Fellig Updates Us

           ~He is on Facebook Too!

Fee's first nightIt’s quickly coming up to the two-year anniversary of meeting The Mummy at Boise airport and knowing she was all MINE! She has given me all kinds of loving nicknames – Monster, Fidgety Fee, The Terrorist, Worse Dog EVER, and in exchange I have shown my appreciation by biting, body slams, practicing my ‘downward dog’ on her thighs when she least expects it, ripping out the screen door, and reworking the garden’s landscaping. I know she’s just joking when she says she’s going to send me back to The Grandma or put me to sleep.

But a few months ago she took me to a big warehouse in the eastern reaches of the Coachella Valley and introduced me to a life-changing activity. Now, I must admit that despite everything, I have the best The Mummy. She has spent thousands of those dollar thingies sending me to an amazing day camp facility, gives me the BEST dead animal parts, and puts up with me hogging the bed, but this is beyond anything she has done and has quickly made me want to give up my less desirable habits.

Fellig Agility_6959.MOV

The warehouse is full of this amazing equipment – tires to jump through, planks to walk along, tables to sit on, A frames to launch over, and a curious device called a teeter-totter. While the other dogs shied away from using the equipment, I embraced it – show me how it works, The Mummy, and I will conquer the concept on the second go! Don’t bother about baiting me with treats – I’ll do it for FREE!

Fee and his agility toy prize

I cannot WAIT for each Sunday! Last week we brought home two certificates that prove I am the BOMB! And guess what? Last week The Mummy took me to my first ‘scent’ class! A bunch boxes and puzzles strew around the warehouse where the trainer thinks she is hiding treats from me. Pah! Doesn’t she know I can smell a drop of blood in five gallons of water?!  I’m going to LOVE this!Fellig and chip

Breeder Comment

Wow! Another Agility Weimar report. This time a Blue Boy! And now you are moving into the nose work–excellent stuff. A lot better than the garden bulldozer status you were excelling at. Every Weimaraner needs a job, and it can vary according to the lifestyle and temperament of the Weim and their human. Thank you, Fellig for taking the time to write with your busy schedule.


In The News Again

~ Jan Willow Set the Standard at Perfect!

20116807_10213083004133048_2234169274065277173_oUKC Best-In-Show and High-In-Trial Champion Sunstar Willow of OwyheeStar, AKC Canine Good Citizen, AKC Novice Trick Dog, UKC Rally Obedience I, UKC Agility I, Therapy Dog International certified!

Breeder Comment

What can we say? Congratulations hardly seem to be enough. For all the natural ability as well as Willow’s excellent temperament none of this would have been possible without Jan. It takes dedication and a lot of hard work to garner a prize, ribbon, or title. When the list of titles continues to grow, it is beyond impressive–the stellar performance makes us so proud too!

PS–what a fantastic photo!


Happy With herself

           ~ From Jan (July 3, 2017)

Willow qualified in all three Agility trials with three perfect scores of 200!!!

Magnuson's Willow Smiling_0703

UKC Best-In-Show and High-In-Trial Champion Sunstar Willow of OwyheeStar, AKC Canine Good Citizen, AKC Novice Trick Dog, UKC Rally Obedience I, UKC Agility I, Therapy Dog International certified!

Congratulations Willow! We know your Mama will be sending an official update but today we celebrate with you.

Hazey Skye Daze

The girls have been growing up and changing like crazy over the last 6 months. Skye will be 2 years old on May 31, and Haze will be 2 years old on July 31.

Both girls regularly attend classes at our dog club. We usually have them enrolled in at least 2 different types of classes each week. The current term classes are Agility Foundation and Advanced Rally. Skye also is involved in the newer sport of Nose Work. Nancy is hoping to gear Haze towards shed hunting which she will work with Haze on her own.

We take the dogs most everywhere with us, although we do make sure they are left at home periodically so that they learn it’s ok to not be with us all the time. When in the house alone, the girls are crated if no one will be there for more than an hour. So far, they have shown no real signs of separation anxiety, although for the first few minutes when we leave, they anxiously hope they get to go by watching out the window. If not, they eventually go lay down staying quiet until we return. We are still constantly working on good manners for greeting new people and other dogs as they get so excited. The girls definitely keep us on our toes, but we can’t imagine life without them. They are so funny and interactive. They love to get dressed up and are curious about everything, which makes for great adventures.

Skye still feels that she controls all things at all times, although as she has become older, her need to control all things shift usually ends by 8 pm, as she disappears and going to bed on her own.

The girls have also been the inspiration for our new logo for our business Action Animal Pet Care & Dog Training. Untitled

Gob Continues On….

Birthday_GobGood morning!

I just to check in and give an update for Gob (although I’m sure you see them on Facebook).
It has been almost two months since my foot surgery and Gob and I are back out on the agility track. We went to an open practice in Nampa, ID hosted by BARC ( and stumbled through a tricky AKC course. The bright side was, that we could get through a course even if I was slow. Gob is a great partner on the course and helped make it much easier.
With that being said, we are due to enter our first trial of 2015 in April! It should be fun weekend even if we don’t Q! The link below is one of our Qualifying runs from November that I thought you might enjoy. Gob’s works to qualify
At the top you see Gob with me on  my birthday (which I celebrated on Thanksgiving) and as you can see, Gob is very much over wearing the hat, but is a good sport for me! The second picture is from when I was still recovering and he stayed by my side. Nick said he was a little panicky when I first came home and he wasn’t allowed to come in for some cuddles and to say hello.
GobI still get A LOT  of compliments of how good he looks for being eight and a half, I even had one friend refer to him as a micro-fiber dog because he is so soft.
Lastly, I wanted to check in on Vi and see how she is settling in her new home. She was such a goofy dog to have around the house and let me see if in the future a female was in the cards.
Breeder’s Note: We appreciate you updating us. It has been a long journey since we first met you. We are so happy about the outcome. Thank you for sharing your recent adventure, and letting us know you are doing well after the foot surgery.

As for Vi (or Vidalia) we cannot thank you enough for the work you did to help her prepare to adjust. She has, as you know, been matched with a perfect placement. For those that don’t know, Visalia was a girl we kept who never could produce puppies. It seemed right to get her to a forever home where she could be the center toof the universe. She is doing really well with Anita. Anita has a grandchild that thought she was calling Vi Chai–you can guess what happened. She is now known as Chai, and she doesn’t mind the change at all. The perks that come with the move are well worth it.

We feel this photo speaks volumes. She is a goofy and sweet girl. Thank you for help Vidalia and weus make this possible. The outside exposure and experience made her transition so much easier. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

IMG_20150311_215849We feel this photo speaks volumes. She is a goofy and sweet girl. Thank you for help Vidalia and us make this possible. The outside exposure and experience made her transition so much easier. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Sally Smart Pants

 Training for Agility… ???

Dick Reported: I saw this big pile of panels (47 of them along with connectors) at a yard sale.  I visulized making a little pen for Sally for the front room.  This little pen would have contained my Dobie even when she was an adult.  You can see how Sally handled the situation.  I then made it twice as high.  That worked until Gale put her little crate in there too.   Sally sized up the situation, had toke two or three tries to get on top of the crate and then just jumped out.

Breeder’s Note: Cliff and Dick had a discussion about Sally yesterday. There is no way to prepare for the Weimaraner’s arrival. Your first can be somewhat exhilarating, and at the same time a lot of other things. Trying to formulate an exact plan, or relying on previous experience, usually doesn’t work the way you think it would. It has been said that we don’t give enough information on “how-to” to do the actual training, etc. It is very difficult to tell someone exactly what to do. There are dynamics in play you might not expect. Everyone’s ability, living situation, and interaction will be a bit unique. This is true even when you have had the experience of living with one of these wonderful creatures before the pup arrives.

Dick’s description of what transpired next is a hoot. Sally did OK until his wife added the kennel. Sally hopped on top of the kennel, and subsequently on over the fence. These guys get an idea, and then they problem-solve to achieve their goal. This can apply to any number of varied scenarios. It is hard to put into words the chess-match than can occur, or the things which might happen. The saying goes that you cannot take the boy out of a man; you cannot take the pup out of the Weimar. Just because they grow old, doesn’t mean they stop being creative, and adventurous. They are pranksters of a special sort.

Can an Old Dog Learn New Tricks?

Kari and Gob Compete in Agility

ribbon necklaceI just wanted to share our (Gob and myself’s) weekend adventures with you.


This marked the first agility trial for Gob. We have been training for a while now and I finally had the courage to enter him in one. This was a NADAC (North American Dog Agility Council) trial and a much smaller trial than AKC. We were entered in seven courses and Qualified in two!

Gob had a blast running each course…we got side tracked on one or two occasions. Kurt (the Doberman brother) came out to cheer him on and even tried to keep the qualified ribbons for himself.

 Exhausted–but we have the Ribbons!Ribbon Array

After three days of being at the trial, Gob is a tired boy and was open to just curling up on the couch and snoozing.


Kurt speaks, "I think these are it a brother tax."

Kurt speaks, “I think these are mine…call it a brother tax.”

I will keep you posted on his future events and training. ~ Kari

Breeder’s Note: We want to send a note of Congratulation to the both of you. This is so awesome achievement. Gob is nearly 8 years old, and to achieve what he has at his age is impressive. You have done great with him Kari.

For those reading this, you might not remember that Gob started agility training late in life. Click here to see a previous post featuring Gob agility training. Click here to see them training in February of 2013. We are glad Kari took the risk and enrolled in the competition, and we thank her for sending along the photos (with the update). We look forward to hearing more about Gob’s future successes. 

Ellie is an comfort specialist

Why should I leave a perfectly comfortable bed?

Why should I leave a perfectly comfortable bed?

2013-11-06 08.11.27Thought you’d like an update on Ellie.   She’s fully integrated into the family and performing well as a working dog except in one area.   She hates to get up for work!

Leah has her in agility training. ( )  She and our other dog, Trooper, have a great time running around the 40 acres here.

Comments from Cliff and Shela:

We appreciate Robert and Leah (who are both very busy) taking the time to update us regarding Ellie. This is their first Weimaraner. Many of us can attest to the fact that figuring these creatures out is an interesting adventure. Often, it is more us finding out how easily we are controlled. As for her hating to get out of bed, and go to work, what can we say? They say this breed is very human-like. We know a lot of people that are much the same. We like to think of the Weimaraner as having two speeds–on and off.