Blog Archives


~Never miss a mud puddle –bath tubs are evil

I’d give you an update on Miranda (Bettee x Manfred, 2019).
It’s hard to believe she’s already 10 months old,  but still very much all puppy! She spent her summer camping with us and now comes to expect morning and evening hikes in the woods.  Fortunately we worked on recall with her all spring so she was able to frolick along with us,  meaning up and back countless times as she is always checking in.  
She is  proving quite the water dog.  And this means ANY water:  lake, stream, muddy road crossing, puddle…anything but bath water!  Our biggest challenge is with loose leash walking. Having to share the road with other walkers or those big scary cars is just too overwhelming for her right now.   So we just keep working on it in a quiet setting every day. 


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Miranda is lovely–and what adventures you are sharing. Lake, stream, muddy road crossing, puddle….anything but bath water!

Earl Grey

~A Bundle of Energy and Joy

Earl was born February 28 and came to us during California’s quarantine.  We weren’t really planning on getting a puppy but all of our kids were home and it seemed like a good thing to do.  We are so glad we did!  Earl has brought us so much joy (and so many smiles!) 

We’ve been working on swimming, though he would much rather be retrieving his ball, which he could do all day long.  Earl had endless energy so we’ve started taking him on hikes in the Santa Monica Mountains.  He is becoming quite the fitness trainer as he does not allow us to be stationary for long!  And everyone who meets him is enamored by his striking good looks.  (Luckily, he doesn’t realize how handsome he is.)

We are so grateful to Owyheestar for making our dreams come true of owning a Weim and getting us this wonderful dog!

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Since Earl loves the retrieve, you should be able to work him into the water –for the water retrieve. Swimming is easier on the joints and burns a lot of energy. If you have a pond where you can work him along the edge, it would be a good plan to work on the water–slowly getting him to go further and further into the water. At first, toss along the end–where he will swim, this should be easy peasy.


~ What Do Mean–Going Home?

Here’s Zelda, she had such a wonderful time at the beach. Exhausted and tired, we were ready to leave, but not her. She just wasn’t ready yet.


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I know just how she feels–when I am at the ocean, even if I want to get home, I am in no hurry to leave. I cast longing glances until I lose sight of the Great Pacific Ocean. Thanks for sharing the great video and photos. We love it.

Water Dog

~Porsche took to water like a Duck

This is a shout out to Cliff, and the wonderful job he does introducing puppies to water.  Porsche took to water like a Duck (a little University of Oregon humor).  She swims the McKenzie river, lakes, and at the local dog swim center.  She plays in the sprinkler, and loves supervising the filling of her play pool.
On the other hand, she also loves to explore a local slough along our walks.  When she emerges, grinning like the Cheshire Cat, tail wagging furiously, she is festooned with sticky weeds, burrs, blackberry brambles, and a few wild flowers.  Now, that is a picture best left to the imagination.

Best to all, JuneAnn

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We appreciate the humor–and so will many of our Weim-loving fans who look forward to the OwyheeStar Blog. Porsche is extraordinary in and out of the water. Sadly we can so readily imagine the slough experience. Thank you, JuneAnn–you are the best.

From the Archives

Water and Your Weimaraner

     ~Puppy Swim

Most of you know that we try to swim puppies–time and weather permitting. Above is a GoPro Video of a litter swim taken a couple of years ago. It gives you a different perspective. Some pups are excellent swimmers; others struggle a little. Nonetheless, we have never had a puppy fail to be able to swim. Does this mean they will naturally take to the water? No! If you expect them to jump and take off, you may be disappointed. It will most likely require work to get them into the water and swimming. This effort is work we hope you invest. We deem this an essential part of the puppy raising process.DSC03640

The Why and the How

Over the years we have written extensively on how to achieve the swim. More and more of our clients have managed to do this. Sometimes to their own surprise. It is one of the best things you can do for yourself and the Weimaraner.

To expend energy. The growing Weimaraner has boundless energy; however, they cannot be beating the pavement to run off this energy. Until the growth plates close, you need to limit high impact exercise. Many experts agree that about three miles is the limit. Imagine how quickly the Weimaraner puts in the three miles. Seriously, about a mile into your run they have probably gone this far. Using the swim is the ideal way to exercise without causing damage to the growing joints. We would go so far as to suggest it probably helps your Weimaraner get more years and miles from their body. That is something that serves everyone’s best interest. We think you can agree.

Hunter or not you need to master the recall. You say what do you mean by the recall? That is coming when called. Getting the retrieve to hand is also a part of the recall. The rock solid come when you call or give a command–verbal or otherwise. The bringing of a bumper or toy back to you. Keep away it funny and laughable; however, we don’t feel this is ever in the best interest of the Weimaraner or you.

Cliff and I suggest you find an area where there is no escape route. For example–a hallway (closing all the adjoining doors) will work for this exercise. You want to make this an exciting event. Something that they look forward to doing with you. Sit down in that hallway and work on the retrieve at least every day. You want to ingrain the love of the retrieve as well as getting them to bring the dedicated item it to hand. This discipline will serve you well and help you achieve the swim.

The hallway exercise should begin as soon as they arrive. Make it an event–the same person, the same bumper or toy, and somewhat a routine. Five-Seven throws blocking the exit with your body. Toss and retoss keeping the excitement going. This activity should be fun, short-lived, and you want to stop while they are still excited. Once you have the rock solid recall—then you can move to the yard. You may need to use a check cord in the larger venue. If you don’t know what that is, ask us. It is a long line that attaches to their collar and allows you to reel them back to you. Always giving them praise like it was all their idea.

Why the Retrieve

The Weimaraner that is in loves the retrieve then can be worked along the water–at first shallow water. A pond or something similar is ideal. Slopping sides even better. That way they can play at the water’s edge and retrieve. Eventually, you can edge them out a bit, and they will take off and swim a couple of strokes. This process takes patience. You might wonder how long. Can we say it takes as long as it takes? Typically, Cliff gets the water-retrieve in two weeks or less. The rewards are almost endless. You can do this! Believe in the process. Stay optimistic. Keep it fun. Stay at it until you achieve success.

Running Companions

For the long distance runner, this is the best way to set the Weimaraner up as your running companion. The growth plates typically close around 15 months. By then you should have them swimming. The waterwork can keep your running companion in the tip-top shape you need as well as help them develop muscles which may help prevent injury.

To Burn Off Energy

For those less inclined or find themselves challenged to keep up with the Weimaraner, this is an excellent way to burn off the excess energy. The Weimaraner will still be able to join you on walks, etc. But tiring the Weimaraner out is challenging. The waterwork helps and does it without injury. Of course, there are other pros to having the water-friendly Weimaraner.

Imprinting the Idea

We swim the pups with the idea that it imprints this experience. If you wonder, the Weimaraner has webbed toes. There are hundreds of updates on our blog that feature OwyheeStar pups and adults enjoying the water–swimming, retrieving, and playing in it. We hope you will achieve the swim.

Here is Stackhouse — a strong swimmer

Hope’s First Swim

Hope is 13 months old, and yesterday was the first time she had been to the pond since she was a pup. I don’t remember exactly, but I am reasonably sure she did the puppy swim about a year ago.

Regardless, she has not been acclimated to the water until now. Cliff took her out to the pond on Monday evening. She got into the water chest high but didn’t swim. Tuesday, a whole different thing happened. Remember when we say to ingrain the love of the retrieve. Here is why–


~ And Company

Bacchus – green vest.  Bella Rae – pink.  Taun – orange

Just wanted to send a couple of clips of the pack, Bacchus (Boone x Juniper) turned two on Monday.  Everyone enjoyed winter and all its snow but now that the ice has melted on the pond we are celebrating Spring.  Jon and I so enjoy our three Weim’s, endless entertainment and loving Joy.

Very Best to you both, be well, stay well

Love, Jon, Laura, Grace and all the kids

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Happy Birthday, Bacchus–you are looking good! What a pleasant place you have to share with your family.


~Have You Heard of a Soft-Mouth?

Tikka and Luna

(8/15/2019) I have to tell you guys about Tikka today! We’re camping on a lake and we paddled out to an island, well Tikka obviously “found something ” she was super excited and kind of lounged then it looked like she tossed something but kept after what ever it was. I noticed a mama bird that was upset so I called her off. As we were leaving she ran back that way and started swimming away from us and wouldn’t come when called. When she finally came back it was obvious that she had something in her mouth (dang it a dead baby bird!) . She was swimming differently, slow and careful. She swam directly to me and gave me a live baby bird that I returned to it’s nest

😊Here are some photos from our recent adventure.

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Supposedly, the Weimaraner is not naturally soft-mouthed. Small game and game birds frequently don’t fair well–but having said that, Cliff had had many a retrieved bird fly out of an OwyheeStar Weimaraner’s mouth. A soft-mouthed dog is a good thing.

Thank you, for sharing your story–and all these great photos. We know everyone loves seeing Tikka and Luna.


~ At Birch Bay

I just had to share these new pictures of Zeus with you! They were taken at Birch Bay which is about a 2 minute walk from our house! I feel so blessed to live here. It was about 80 degrees one night and Mike and I thought Zeus would like to go for a swim! Usually I take him to the beach when the tide is out so that he can run on the sand for a few miles . The bay is really shallow so when the tide goes out, it goes way out! There is lots of room for him to run. That night the tide was coming in so the water was deeper. You can see how much fun he had splashing through the water and chasing his toy!

He is a good swimmer because I take him to the doggy pool nearby to swim occasionally. We went a little further out in the bay and he was able to swim. The water is super warm and he seems to like that…. I do too! 😉 I can’t tell you how much I love him and what a big part of my life he is! He has also learned how to give “kisses”. He crinkles up his lips and lets me kiss him. I know some people think it is gross but my Zeus doesn’t have germs ….right?? Haha

Jeanne & Zeus

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Thank you for sharing with us. I love that Zeus swims and loves the water. What a fabulous place to live and share a life with Zeus.


~ At Two-Years

Hope you and your readers enjoy these fun shots and videos of Berkley, our big two year old. She’s so much fun.

This when we went camping at Lake Kachess. Stephan would take her on the paddle board and say, “where’s Amanda” and she would jump ship and swim to me…2 times a day, in addition to a lot of fetch!

Enjoy! — Amanda

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What a fabulous swimming Weimaraner. We love seeing the fur family member in the middle of family events. Thank you!