
Ten Years –Time Flies

I continue to enjoy your Weimareiner updates – blog all of these many years! It’s been 10 years of blissful years with our dog Opal.

She is such a comfort and joy in our lives! We can’t imagine our lives without her and have begun to start discussing how to head off that eventual situation.

Towards that end I wanted to reach out to you and see what the future looks like in terms of securing another Weimaraner. I’m sure that the demand must be very high given the many people working at home during this ongoing pandemic situation. 

David Updike

(Two of the photos above are Opal with her litter mate Coco owned by Brianne Edwards)

Breeder Comment

We look forward to working with you again later this year. Thank you for getting a hold of us and for following us faithfully for ten years. It is great to also see Coco in some of these photos–knowing the two are close to each other is sweet.

About OwyheeStar

We are Professional Weimaraner breeders--with forty years experience at raising puppies. For many years, we have focused exclusively on the Weimaraner! If you are considering the Weimaraner, or live with one, we welcome you to sign up to our blog. We sincerely hope you will find the information, the stories, and varied posts insightful (as well as entertaining). To those who live with an OwyheeStar Weimaraner, we send special thanks. We appreciate the photos, the news, and your friendship. Thank you for being a part of the extended OwyheeStar family.

Posted on January 19, 2021, in Elle X Blue, Previous Pup Update. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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