The First Nielsen Weim….

Here is Doc, Uncle Clifton, and Cliff ……

A The First Family Weim_Doc Crop_PICT0316

Like so many of today’s Weimlovers, the Nielsen introduction to Weims happened in the 50’s. Pictured above with “Doc” is Uncle Clifton and Cliff, Jr. It was “Doc” who sired the litter that produced our Cliff’s first-ever Weim.

Uncle Clifton and Cliff’s father are identical twins. His grandmother either needing to expedite things or having a great sense of humor named the twins–Clifton and Clifford. We suspect both was true.  So much the easier to holler Cliff and get two Cliff’s.  (Considering she was working hard and had three young boys all being less than a year apart, we feel she was phenomenal!) Today, June 18th, 2009 the twin brothers are still alive. They are not only alive but celebrating their 91st birthday!  Happy Birthday Dad and Uncle Clifton!

Now to add to the Nielsen saga consider this.  The pup they got from Doc’s litter was given a very special name–“Doc”. Do you see a pattern? Maybe we are a bit concrete-thinking like our beloved Weimaraners.

Cliff, Jr. like so many of the 50’s generation moved on and had other dogs. Nevertheless, he never forgot his first Weim. Pictured right is Cliff, Sr. with Dottie on the 4-Wheeler. He has once again embraced the Weimaraner and Dottie is no doubt his best friend and ever present companion.

Moxie_0075Pictured right is Cliff’s newest hunting star hunting companion “Diva”.  Ms Diva is turning heads and causing a stir. She recently attended the Versatile Hunting Dog Federation Hunt Test (VHDF) in Centralia, WA where she scored well showing that she is a true Versatile Hunting Dog! Kudos to our Diva for her great showing.

From the earliest beginning when the love of Weims took root in a young man’s heart until today little has changed. Cliff loved the dog and even though they were never to have another while he grew up, he never forgot his first Weimaraner friend. Like so many other Weim fanciers, later he returned to his roots and brought the Weimaraner back to the farm. Although the farm had been populated with Labs and a few GSPs eventually they were all replaced with Weimaraners.

Today, some fifty years later the Weims are at home once again at the Nielsen farm. It is funny how life comes around full-circle.

About OwyheeStar

We are Professional Weimaraner breeders--with forty years experience at raising puppies. For many years, we have focused exclusively on the Weimaraner! If you are considering the Weimaraner, or live with one, we welcome you to sign up to our blog. We sincerely hope you will find the information, the stories, and varied posts insightful (as well as entertaining). To those who live with an OwyheeStar Weimaraner, we send special thanks. We appreciate the photos, the news, and your friendship. Thank you for being a part of the extended OwyheeStar family.

Posted on June 18, 2009, in History. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

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