
Graydon is a Fun Addition to Our Family

It has been too long since I sent you folks an update on Graydon. He is such a fun addition to our family. The picture is from last night (November 1, 2015). We are going duck hunting next week, and I was getting a neoprene vest fitted to him last night in
case it is really cold. He was none-too-pleased with my efforts, so I had to take this photo of his reaction. His facial expression cracked me up.

Egg on the Floor

Just thought I’d share a funny story from Saturday with you. We have chickens and occasionally we’ll crack an egg for Graydon as extra protein or a treat. On Saturday, I accidentally left a couple of eggs sitting in our sun room where we keep our dog beds. I came back to find only one egg sitting there and Graydon looking a little guilty. I asked him where the egg went, and he just looked even more guilty and hung his head. Upon further inspection I found he had picked one up and hid it on the other side of his pillow on the hard tile floor. Sure enough, it was undamaged and when I picked it up and showed it to him he REALLY looked guilty. 🙂 He sure has a soft mouth.

The Chicken Dilemma 

(Speaking of the chickens) It did us take some time for us to train him to leave them alone. We’ve caught him carrying them around in his mouth a couple of times, but they’ve never been hurt. A couple of weeks ago I found Graydon with a freshly killed chicken. I couldn’t believe it! I scolded him but still found it hard to believe he had done it. Later that day I realized it was our dachshund who was the culprit (caught her chasing the chickens) and that Graydon had probably been trying to “rescue” the bird from our incorrigible little wiener dog.

Anyway, I just wanted to give you an update! Blessings,~Daniel Scott

About OwyheeStar

We are Professional Weimaraner breeders--with forty years experience at raising puppies. For many years, we have focused exclusively on the Weimaraner! If you are considering the Weimaraner, or live with one, we welcome you to sign up to our blog. We sincerely hope you will find the information, the stories, and varied posts insightful (as well as entertaining). To those who live with an OwyheeStar Weimaraner, we send special thanks. We appreciate the photos, the news, and your friendship. Thank you for being a part of the extended OwyheeStar family.

Posted on November 5, 2015, in Elle X Stackhouse, Previous Pup Update and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Graydon I’m glad it wasn’t you :o) I only bark at our rooster, since he gave me one with his beak :o)

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